- Newton's First Law of Motion - Inertia
- Linear Motion
- Newton's Second Law of Motion
- Newton's Third Law of Motion
- Momentum
- Energy
- Rotational Motion
- Gravity
- Projectile and Satellite Motion
- The Atomic Nature of Matter
- Solids
- Liquids
- Gases and Plasmas
- Temperature, Heat, and Expansion
- Heat Transfer
- Change of Phase
- Thermodynamics
- Vibrations and Waves
- Sound
- Musical Sounds
- Electrostatics
- Electric Current
- Magnetism
- Electromagnetic Induction
- Properties of Light
- Color
- Reflection and Refraction
- Light Waves
- Light Emission
- Light Quanta
- The Atom and the Quantum
- The Atomic Nucleus and Radioactivity
- Nuclear Fission and Fusion
- Special Theory of Relativity
- General Theory of Relativity
【課程長度】每次 1 - 2 小時,可依實際情形調整
【課程頻率】每週 1 - 2 次,可依實際需求調整
【使用教材】教師自製教材 + 官方指定教科書 + Prep books
【具備基礎】No prerequisites